Our Center
At our locations in Lima & Ottawa we provide a comfortable, cozy, and friendly atmosphere where all visitors can feel at-home, no matter the reason for their visit. We have private consultation rooms, private restrooms for pregnancy testing, public restrooms for visitors and guests, changing tables for those with children, ample parking, handicap accessibility, and welcoming staff.
In Lima we also provide ultrasounds in a dedicated private room with space for a guest if you choose to bring one. The Lima office also has additional parking available in the rear of the building for added privacy, should you feel more comfortable that way.
We seek to improve the lives of women, children, and families by showing them Christ's love through our words and actions.
Our Mission
Heartbeat is a pregnancy resource center whose mission is to offer life-affirming support to women, men, and children in a Christ-centered environment, and to empower them to build stronger and healthier relationships.
Our Vision
Our vision is a world where every new life is celebrated and nurtured within a strong family.
Core Values
Christian Principles
Sanctity of Human Life